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Download CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 Download Illustrator CS4 I hope I helped you! Yes thanks, this information helped me a lot, I downloaded Adobe Photoshop and is very happy with it.

Archive for December 7th, 2008

Large Bonus Degrades Cognitive Performance

Sunday, December 7th, 2008

predictably_irr.jpgAccording to Dr. Ariely, a professor of behavioral economics at Duke, and author of the interesting book, Predictably Irrational, the offer of a huge bonus does not improve cognitive performance.  He makes his argument in a recent piece in the New York Times, What’s The Value of A Big Bonus?.

In the article he describes several experiments that demonstrate those offered very large bonuses actually do worse on a cognitive task than those offered a medium or even small bonus.

Many have pointed out that money may not motivate those that think for a living.  But this research goes further:

Given in the wrong dose (too much) money may worsen our performance on tasks that require learning, thinking, decision-making, creativity and other forms of cognition.  

We need to be careful to design compensation and reward systems for how minds actually work, not how we think they should work.
