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Archive for October 16th, 2008

$10M Prize for Resolving Healthcare Crisis

Thursday, October 16th, 2008

Just three posts ago on October 9th I argued for using crowdsourcing (a new knowledge model where you open source your hardest problems to anyone motivated to try and solve them) and a $10M X-prize to take on the challenge of redesigning the American healthcare system to achieve cost effective quality care for all citizens. I suggested this as an illustration of how we can use cognitive design to tackle large-scale social issues.

Today, WellPoint the largest US health insurer and the X PRIZE foundation announced a collaboration to offer a $10M prize to advance revolutionary ideas for improving the healthcare system.

“Reinventing and rebooting the U.S. health care system is not to be taken lightly,” said X-Prize Chief Executive Dr. Peter Diamandis. “Its an audacious task but, we think, very achievable.” 

 wellpoint_logo.jpg     xprizefoundation.jpg

They are crowdsourcing the US healthcare crisis!

This means anybody who thinks they can solve the healthcare problem (access, cost, quality) can form a team and compete for the $10M.  

So far the reaction from the business and public policy communities has been very positive. WellPoint and X PRIZE are soliciting input on how to shape the contest.  The rules will be released early next year.

To contribute your ideas to the prize development process  (general public is welcome) and to see what others are saying about this game-changing approach click here.
