Recommend me a software for editing photos and creating new designs, please. Well, there are many different programs to work with graphics, a list of photo editing software you will find the link. The most popular software programs now are Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw and Adobe Illustrator. Here you can download this software: download adobe photoshop cs5
Download CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 Download Illustrator CS4 I hope I helped you! Yes thanks, this information helped me a lot, I downloaded Adobe Photoshop and is very happy with it.

Archive for June 4th, 2008

Towards Thought-Recognition Technology

Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

 Imagine a high-reliability, non-invasive technology that can recognize your thoughts in real time. So, if you are thinking about “celery” or an “elephant” the technology could recognize that and use the information to drive any number of applications.

Exciting progress towards this functionality is reported in a post, Decoding Brain Activity, on the Brain Stimulant blog.  Although very much in the R&D phase, the scope of thoughts that can be recognized and the  reliability levels reported are very impressive.


Science of Behavior Change

Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

  Designing products, programs and services that make and sustain behavior change is a top priority in the  US today and a central concern in cognitive design.  Making improvements at work, saving enough for retirement, establishing a healthy life style, effective self-care for those with chronic diseases and even moving to “green practices” are all mega issues with personal behavior change at the core.  

 In recognition of its importance, the NIH roadmap for medical research has initiated a new pilot program on the Science of Behavior Change. They recognize that at “40% of all preventable premature deaths are due to specific patterns of behavior” and that “breakthroughs in the science of behavior change could lead to substantial improvements in public health.” 

The goal is to create an integrated science of behavior change (a daunting task) and ”then support exploratory and interdisciplinary research applying new emerging science to the general problems of the initiation, personalization, and maintenance of behavior change.” 

If productive this work will be a treasure trove for the designer interested in creating new health, savings and organizational change programs base on scientific insights into the cognition of self-regulation (self control) and behavior change.  
