Recommend me a software for editing photos and creating new designs, please. Well, there are many different programs to work with graphics, a list of photo editing software you will find the link. The most popular software programs now are Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw and Adobe Illustrator. Here you can download this software: download adobe photoshop cs5
Download CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 Download Illustrator CS4 I hope I helped you! Yes thanks, this information helped me a lot, I downloaded Adobe Photoshop and is very happy with it.

Archive for May 5th, 2008

From Products to Experiences

Monday, May 5th, 2008

 Sohrab Vossoughi, founder and president of ZIBA design has an article in BusinessWeek on the role of emotional engagement in design.  His basic argument is that companies that go beyond functionality and usability to create an emotionally engaging experience for customers are succeeding.   

  Cognitive design, with a focus on supporting, enhancing and even creating specific frames of mind is an essential tool for creating customer and employee experiences.
