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Archive for March 28th, 2008

Update on Consumer Brain-Computer Interaces

Friday, March 28th, 2008

  Affordable, reliable and perhaps even sexy heads sets that read your brain waves and algorithms that translate them into signals that control computers, games and other devices.


 As mentioned in previous posts, hopefully yet this year. NeuroSky has released technology to its OEMs and has announced deals with Sega and others. Check out their latest gear and application ideas here.

Emotiv Systems released this picture of their headset:


 This headset has 16 sensors (medical grade gear has 120) and the NeuroSky’s system amazingly has only has one. They are targeting December of 2008 with a retail price of $299.

Other firms with products in the pipeline include EmSense, and Hitachi.  There is additional action outside the US. Check out the headset on the BCI research platform that won the European ICT prize in 2007:


The system (shown below) has been billed at the first commercially available brain-computer interface and has receive a good deal of buzz. Although not a mass market “consumer friendly” system (more of a research platform) it has been used to update the classic game of pong:

