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Archive for December 20th, 2012

Greed Spreads Easier than Generosity

Thursday, December 20th, 2012

Bad things tend to have a bigger impact on our thoughts, feelings and actions than good things do.   Recent research suggests, Greed Not Generosity is More Likely to be Paid Forward.

“In five experiments involving money or work, participants who received an act of generosity didn’t pay generosity forward any more than those who had been treated equally. But participants who had been the victims of greed were more likely to pay greed forward to a future recipient, creating a negative chain reaction.”

While this is not a “happy finding” it is important for cognitive designers.  Generosity is less a contagion than greed just as bad news spreads much faster and farther than good news.  While this is likely tied to survival and rooted in our evolution it can limit cooperation and cultural development.  You can access the full paper for free HERE.
