Improve Health Value by 50% and Win $10M
Details about the X-prize for healthcare were released about 10 days ago. The prize is designed to inspire radical innovations that will dramatically improve health value (community health index / total cost of care) for a population of 10,000 people. If you can design, simulate and implement with assistance an “optimal health paradigm” that improves health value by 50% or more in a pilot community you run a good chance of wining the $10M prize.
The details on the design of the prize can be found here. Comments from the public are welcome until the end of May.
This is an excellent way to structure the challenge. Anything less than a 50% improvement in quality/cost in a real world setting (population of 10,000 and all health issues) will not solve our healthcare crisis.
Cognitive design plays an important role at two levels in this effort.
First, offering a large prize to all takers to stimulate innovation turns on a unique cognitive design. Rather than trying to find the best team/mind to solve a problem, we let them find us. This is a form of crowdsourcing and offers one of the most promising models for solving really hard and persistent problems.
Second, cognitive design, especially as it relates to supporting behavior change and effective decision-making, will play a key role in producing the wining entry. What will really make the new health paradigm the competition calls for optimal, is how well it fits the cognition of citizens and healthcare providers.