Add Fun, Meaning & Well Being to Daily Activities
A start-up called GreenGoose! is getting ready to release a toolkit for developing applications that remake the psychology of everyday events. The toolkit includes sensor stickers and a small base receiver that connects to your wireless router. Here is how it works:
“The sensors are wireless and have a battery inside which lasts a year. Each one measures a different thing you do, but they all communicate with the same egg-sized base-station. Just stick to items like pet food scoops, frisbees, and water bottles.”
The data that is captured can be used to drive a game, health application, social interaction or other means of creating mental energy and well being.
The system promises to be low-cost, robust and easy to use. They are looking for developers. While some programming will be involved the real challenge is in the cognitive design.
How can data about everyday activities be used to create fun, meaning or other positive mental states?
They have an app coming out focused on your pets.
Interested to hear from readers that have ideas for the home, workplace and community (e.g. while shopping or walking through the woods) applications.