The following material is designed to get you started in creating decks of knowledge cards for publication via the NewHabits App. Feel free to contact Mark Clare ( or 260-433-7923) with questions or to schedule a discussion.
1. Download the NewHabits App, read the press release to get the big picture, review the screen walk through to learn the basic functionality and try the functionality out on one of the decks in the App. You can find NewHabits quickly on iTunes or in Apple's App store by searching on "NewHabits".
2. Understand the science behind NewHabits and learn how to write a knowledge card by reviewing the Powerpoint presentations:
or by reading the paper Lasting Behavior Change. The paper covers a bit more ground and provides a lot more detail.
Feel free to work through the Powerpoints and the paper if you like. The Powerpoints include optional practice exercises.
3. Try your hand at writing a knowledge card. You can use
this template or create one of your own. To create a knowledge card that can be published via the New Habits App you must meet specific
requirements. Send your card to Mark Clare at for some friendly feedback.
4. Learn how to design and develop a deck of knowledge cards. (coming soon).